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How often do I need to go to therapy?

Everyone has different needs and life challenges. Generally, PT is prescribed two to three times a week for four to six weeks. We will work with you to optimize your recovery while keeping your life challenges in mind. Our therapists will work directly with you to develop your plan and ensure your opinion and concerns are always considered.

Is therapy just doing gym exercises? Will I be able to work through the pain?

Specific exercises will be a part of your plan, but a proper physical therapy program isn’t just made up of standard gym exercises for strengthening. We will be very methodical about which muscle groups we will target and the level of intensity appropriate for your condition. In addition, we will use other treatment strategies to augment and facilitate a speedy recovery. “No pain, no gain” does not apply to successful physical therapy. In fact, pain turns off muscle function, so by working into the pain, you may actually be making the problem worse. When you visit us, we will get you on the right path to recovery.

How much does physical therapy cost?

This is a tough question to provide a general answer for. Every insurance has many different plans. Your insurance benefits are individualized and they determine your cost contribution. We will be happy to assist with obtaining information, such as deductible costs and any copayments or coinsurance obligations that may apply. You may also call the number on the back of your insurance card for answers to your specific questions about your insurance.

What makes Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine different from other practices?

There are many things that separate us from other independent and big-name physical therapy practices in the area. First of all, our patients will be treated by a one-on-one with a licensed clinician. We don’t leave your treatments in the hands of an unlicensed technician or aid. Secondly, we utilize the latest industry research for the most efficient and personalized treatment outcomes. And finally, we honestly care about you and your challenges, and will work directly with you to devise a plan you’re comfortable with.

Call or email us if you have any questions.

Contact Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Today!