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Physical Therapy

Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine in Clarkston, MI is a team of dedicated licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants committed to helping patients heal from various acute injuries and chronic pain illnesses. Whether you’re an athlete looking to get back on the field or an individual who wants to regain mobility of joints and muscles, we’re here to help you get there.

Penny Jones

Penny Jones

Clinic Director

Penny Jones was born in Clarkston and raised in Metamora, MI. After graduating from Lapeer West High School, she earned her bachelor’s degree in Health Science and a master’s degree in Physical Therapy with a minor in Psychology from Oakland University. She is licensed in the state of Michigan as an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association. Penny is passionate about research and the ongoing industry advancements in the field of physical therapy, and she utilizes the most current approach to obtain the greatest results for her patients. When she’s not helping patients overcome their injuries and pain, she loves paddle boarding with her dogs and spending time with her husband, son, and future daughter-in-law.

Additional Professional Certifications


A program specifically for ACL injury prevention in young athletes.


Certification recognizing formalized performance analysis and a training program that delivers consistent improvement for golf athleticism and performance.

Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR)

A practice that utilizes ever-evolving research to support phenomenal strength gains in a reduced period.

Graston Technique Specialist

Certified in the use of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization.

Integrative Dry Needling

Used for chronic pain healing.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Physical Therapists

We promise to deliver a superior patient experience at Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine in Clarkston, MI.

You don’t have to suffer from pain and discomfort for an injury or chronic condition. Contact us to learn how we can help.

Contact Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Today!