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We Offer Personalized
Physical Therapy Treatment

At Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, our primary focus is on you, the patient. During your first appointment, we will take the time to discuss your symptoms, conditions, past health concerns, and injuries to create a unique and custom-tailored program. Each session you will receive personalized, hands-on physical therapy with a licensed clinician that will address the area of concern. Our goal is to achieve your goals.

therapist and leg of patient

Our Physical Therapists Are at Work for You

Under our care, you will work with a licensed physical therapist or licensed physical therapy assistant at each appointment. The foundation of your recovery is based on your understanding of the impairment. We will educate you, providing you with insight and training on how to move better. The identification of problems and raising your understanding and awareness of things to avoid will help you continue to progress long after your formalized physical therapy program is completed. Our program is not only to get you better but to teach you to sustain the achievements gained independently, long-term. We will maintain open communication about your progress with you and your healthcare team.

man holding knee in pain

Our Areas of Specialty

Our patients are of various ages and come from all walks of life. Some patients may have acute injuries they’re recovering from, while others might need healing from a chronic illness. Many may have an end goal of returning to a sport they love, and others seek treatment to help regain balance or stability in walking. No matter what brings you to our practice, we promise to focus on you and your goals for the best path to recovery and improved movement. We offer therapy to focus on:

  • Neck
  • Spine
  • Lower back
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Feet and ankles
  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Wrists and hands
  • Balance
  • Ergonomic training
  • Returning to work
  • Returning to sports
  • Walking training
  • Vertigo
  • Headaches

Contact Us to Discuss Your Condition

Even if you don’t see your specific condition or the assistance you need listed above, contact us to discuss your situation. Physical therapy has been scientifically proven to help patients regain movement and minimize pain and discomfort in various joints, tendons, and muscles throughout the body. The pain and immobility can be from a traumatic injury or a chronic disease. No matter the cause, the team at Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine in Clarkston, MI will consult with you to understand your unique needs and offer a tailored approach to better health.

Contact Clarkston Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Today!